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Saturday 3 November 2012

Presedintele ANISP, Mihai Batrineanu, ataca dur initiativa CNA de a inchide 42 de site-uri.

Presedintele Asociatiei Furnizorilor de Internet din Romania, Mihai Batrineanu, ataca dur initiativa CNA de a inchide 42 de site-uri.

"Este incredibil ce se intampla astazi. Intr-o lume in care internetul a revolutionat modul in care interactionam, in care Google si Social Media redefinesc accesul la informatie, divertismentul si economia globala, apare in Romania o institutie depasita de vremuri si neavenita, care incearca sa inchida site-uri cu Politia.

Atentie! Nu vorbim de activitati ilegale, frauduloase, este vorba de tineri antreprenori romani, entuziasti care au dezvoltat site-uri si aplicatii prin intermediul carora ofera continut video, asemenea altor mii de site-uri similare din toata lumea.

CNA nu are nici o competenta sau responsabilitate institutionala legata de reglementarea internetului sau a serviciilor online. Aspectele semnalate sunt cele referitoare la drepturile de autor care au cu totul alte organisme si metodologii care sa le reglementeze.

Consideram actiunile CNA fara baza legala, iar in cazul putin probabil al interventiei Politiei vom semnala aceste practici iresponsabile si ilegale organismelor internationale", a declarat presedintele ANISP.

ANISP – Asociatia Nationala a Furnizorilor de Internet din Romania – este membra cu drepturi depline a EUROISPA, cea mai reprezentativa asociatie internationala din domeniul internet.

Consiliul National al Audiovizualului (CNA) a sesizat, joi, Politia în legatura cu 42 de site-uri care difuzeaza ilegal filme si seriale.

”Furnizorii serviciilor media la cerere au obligatia de a notifica CNA cu privire la aceasta activitate. Pana la aceasta data au fost notificate (la CNA, n.r.) opt astfel de servicii. Pro TV ne-a informat însa cu privire la desfasurarea ilegala a unor asemenea servicii pe internet, care încalca drepturile de autor pe care le detine. CNA va sesiza Politia în vederea identificarii responsabililor de site si a clarificarii raspunderii legale”, a spus Rasvan Popescu, presedintele CNA, dupa luarea deciziei, conform Mediafax.

Astfel, CNA va sesiza Politia cu privire la urmatoarele site-uri:

First Angry Birds theme park planned for Asia

The Angry Birds franchise seems to have no limitations as far as brand development goes. In fact, the Angry Birds team is going so far as to building a theme park based around the game in Asia next year.

Angry Birds Land will be constructed in China’s Zhejiang province, near Shanghai.

The park features rides, games and an adventure course.

This is the first theme park based on the brand, but not the first park based on the brand, as a themed activity park was also opened in August of this year at Sundown Adventureland in Nottinghamshire, featuring Angry Birds-inspired swings, climbing frames and slides.

The park is looking to open by Chinese New Year in February, and is expected to pull 400 visitors a day, each paying less than $10 for admission.

Crytek and EA announce Crysis 3!


Fight in the New York ‘Liberty Dome’, Exploit Seven Natural Wonders and Wield Advanced Alien Weaponry in the Ultimate Sandbox Shooter

Pre-order the Crysis 3 Hunter Edition for Early Access to the New Crysis 3 Signature Bow and XP Boost in Multiplayer*

REDWOOD CITY, Calif. – April 16, 2012 – The hunted becomes the hunter! Electronic Arts Inc. (NASDAQ: EA) and award-winning developer Crytek GmbH, today announced Crysis® 3, the premier sandbox shooter experience of 2013. Powered by Crytek’s proprietary CryENGINE®, Crysis 3 advances the state of the art with unparalleled visuals and dynamic shooter gameplay. Players take on the role of ‘Prophet’ as he returns to New York, only to discover that the city has been encased in a Nanodome created by the corrupt Cell Corporation. The New York City Liberty Dome is a veritable urban rainforest teeming with overgrown trees, dense swamplands and raging rivers. Within the Liberty Dome, seven distinct and treacherous environments become known as the Seven Wonders. This dangerous new world demands advanced weapons and tactics. Prophet will utilize a lethal composite bow, an enhanced Nanosuit and devastating alien tech to become the deadliest hunter on the planet.

“Crysis 3 is a thrilling mix of sandbox gameplay, advanced combat and hi-tech human and alien weaponry that shooter fans will love,” said Cevat Yerli, Chief Executive Officer of Crytek. “Leveraging the latest CryENGINE technology, we’re able to deliver seven unique themes that offer stunning and visually loaded gameplay experiences. We cannot wait until people get their hands on the game.”

Set in 2047, Prophet is on a revenge mission after uncovering the truth behind Cell Corporation’s motives for building the quarantined Nanodomes. The citizens were told that the giant citywide structures were resurrected to protect the population and to cleanse these metropolises of the remnants of Ceph forces. In reality, the Nanodomes are CELL’s covert attempt at a land and technology grab in their quest for global domination. With Alien Ceph lurking around every corner and human enemies on the attack, nobody is safe in the path of vengeance. Everyone is a target in Prophet’s quest for retribution.

Crytek also announced that players who are ready to start the hunt can pre-order the Crysis® 3 Hunter Edition* today. The Crysis 3 Hunter Edition gives players the tools to become the ultimate hunter in multiplayer with early access to the new signature bow and its attachments, plus the Hunter Nanosuit module which adds additional power and functionality to the super-suit. Gamers who pre-order now will also have a head start when playing online with a bonus XP boost up to level 5, a unique bow skin and three exclusive dog tags to hunt in style**. The Crysis 3 Hunter Edition is available on and other participating retailers for $59.99.

In addition to receiving the Crysis 3 Hunter Edition, select retailers are offering gamers that pre-order Crysis 3 the following early multiplayer unlocks:
  1. Stalker Pack – Includes the base game, all Hunter Edition content and the following early multiplayer unlocks: for players who like to stalk their prey from the shadows the Stalker Packprovides early multiplayer access to the deadly semi-auto Jackal shotgun. This powerful, close-range shotgun comes with a unique silencer attachment, custom weapon skin and two exclusive themed in-game dog tags.
  2. Overkill Pack – Includes the base game, all Hunter Edition content and the following early multiplayer unlocks: the Overkill Pack features early multiplayer access to the Typhoon assault weapon and skin. Spewing 500 rounds a second, the Typhoon gives players the ability to go guns blazing to take back the Liberty Dome. Also included are two exclusive Overkill themed in-game dog tags.
  3. Predator Pack – Includes the base game, all the Hunter Edition content and the following early multiplayer unlocks: the Predator Pack delivers early multiplayer access to the Feline submachine gun and exclusive camo. With an extremely fast rate of fire and a 60 round magazine the Feline is highly effective and deadly, at short range.

Developed by Crytek and powered by the proprietary cutting edge CryENGINE technology, Crysis 3 will be available spring 2013 for the Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system, PlayStation®3 computer entertainment system and PC. For more information on Crysis 3, please visit, and for the latest news visit or follow us on Twitter® at Press assets for Crysis 3 are available at

Conditions and restrictions apply. See for details.

iPhone 5 in Romania la Orange, Vodafone si Cosmote.

Orange, Vodafone si Cosmote le ofera clientilor din Romania, incepand de vineri, 2 noiembrie, noul iPhone 5, telefon care a putut fi precomandat in tara noastra incepand din 26 octombrie.

Preturile la care e vandut dispozitivul, insa, sunt destul de ridicate pentru buzunarele romanilor, daca ne gandim ca salariul mediu in tara noastra este de aproximativ 340 de euro/luna.

Totusi, se gasesc solutii si pentru cei care isi doresc cu ardoare un astfel de smartphone si nu sunt dispusi sa dea prea multi bani dintr-un foc. Pentru ei exista optiunea de a cumpara telefonul la un pret mai mic, insa cu conditia acceptarii unui abonament lunar destul de piperat, care poate trece si de 50 de euro.

Orange le ofera clientilor iPhone 5 la preturi incepand cu 269 de euro pentru un abonament nou sau 289 de euro pentru prelungirea contractului. Pretul standard al aparatului este 749 euro. Vorbim de cel mai ieftin model de iPhone 5, cel de 16 GB. Pentru modelul de 32 GB, pretul pentru un abonament nou este de 369 de euro, in timp ce varianta de 64 GB costa 469 de euro.

Cei care aleg varianta de 269 de euro trebuie sa opteze si pentru un abonament lunar de 51 de euro. Un abonament nou ceva mai ieftin, de 31 de euro pe luna, duce pretul aparatului pana la 369 euro pentru modelul de 16 GB. De asemenea, un abonament de 23 de euro/luna are asociat pretul de 499 euro pentru smartphone.

Clientii Vodafone pot cumpara iPhone 5 la preturi incepand de la 299 de euro, cat costa varianta de 16 GB, cu un abonament lunar de 59 de euro. Contractul se semneaza pe doi ani. Varianta de 32 GB, in aceleasi conditii, costa 399 de euro.

Vodafone ofera iPhone 5 de 16 GB la liber la pretul de 739 euro, in timp ce costul versiunii de 32 GB la liber este de 859 euro.

La ora redactarii acestei stiri, pe site-ul Vodafone scria ca telefonul nu se mai afla in stoc.

Cel de-al treilea mare operator de telefonie din Romania, Cosmote, are preturi pentru iPhone 5 de 16 GB pornind de la 999 RON, insemnand aproximativ 220 euro, pentru un abonament de 55,80 euro pe luna timp de 2 ani.

La un abonament de 37,20 euro, telefonul poate fi cumparat incepand cu 1.500 lei, adica 331 euro. In cazul abonamentului de 28,52 euro/luna, timp de un an, pretul smartphone-ului creste pana la 2.511 lei, echivalentul a 555 euro.

Thursday 1 November 2012

BenQ MS517 – primul proiector 3D de buget

BenQ MS517 este primul proiector 3D destinat segmentului de piata mainstream. Printre caracteristici se numara lampa cu o durata de functionare de pana la 6500 ore, aproape de 3 ori mai mult decat la alte modele de proiectoare, un contast nativ specificat de producator de 13.000:1 si o luminozitate de 2800 ANSI Lumeni.

Consumul a fost de asemenea redus cu pana la 70 procente, insa aici vorbim de modul ECO pe care il detine aproape orice proiector si care scade atat contrastul cat si luminozitatea imaginii. Diagonala proiectata se pastreaza la 7,62 metri, aceasta fiind optima pentru o imagine clara si cu un nivel de luminozitate si contrast optime. Difuzorul de 2 W incorporat ma indoiesc ca este optim pentru vizionarea de filme. Cat despre partea 3D aceasta este disponibila in principal prin interfata HDMI 1.4a cat si prin celelalte tipuri de conexiuni. Spre surprinderea noastra proiectorul are si meniul complet tradus in limba romana.

Pretul de raft al acestui model este de 1900Lei si primul lot livrat la noi in tara va include in acest pret, ochelarii 3D, care, achizitionati separat au un pret de 450Lei.

HP anunta noua gama de laptopuri si ultraportabile cu sistem de operare Windows 8

HP anunta noua gama de laptopuri cu design practic cu Windows 8. Noua serie de dispozitive include HP EliteBook Folio 9470m, HP SpectreXT TouchSmart, HP ENVY TouchSmart Ultrabook 4, HP Pavilion Sleekbook 14 si HP Pavilion Sleekbook 15.

"Portofoliul HP de notebook-uri ultra-subtiri, desktop-uri all-in-one elegante si PC-uri de business ultra-performante este conceput pentru a satisface nevoile consumatorilor care vor sa foloseasca sistemul de operare Windows 8," a declarat James Mouton, vicepresedinte executiv si manager general, Personal Computer Global Business Unit, HP.

"Consumatorii individuali si organizatiile pot de acum inainte sa aleaga dintr-o gama larga de PC-uri HP, care dispun de ecrane multitouch, forme flexibile, design elegant sau solutii personalizabile, menite sa acopere nevoile fiecarui utilizator."

- HP EliteBook Folio 9470m este un ultrabook subtire, usor si eficient. Cu functionalitati premium de docking si baterie interschimbabila, HP EliteBook Folio este destinat pofesionistilor aflati in continua miscare.

- HP SpectreXT TouchSmart Ultrabook este un ultrabook premium cu un ecran multitouch IPS Radiance Full HD de 15,6 inch, ultra-performant si cu un design metalic sofisticat. Având o grosime de numai 17,9 mm, acest ultrabook este primul notebook HP care incorporeaza tehnologie Intel Thunderbolt, ce asigura un tranfer ultra-rapid de muzica, filme si date catre alte dispozitive externe.

- HP ENVY TouchSmart Ultrabook 4 dispune de un ecran HD multitouch de 14 inch, un subwoofer puternic cu Beats Audio si o placa grafica AMD optionala cu 2G de memorie.

- HP Pavilion Sleekbook 14 si HP Pavilion Sleekbook 15, disponibile in variantele de culori negru lucios si rosu rubiniu, asigura consumatorilor performantele si aplicatiile de care au nevoie zilnic, acum intr-o forma ultra-subtire.

Samsung lanseaza Galaxy Premier

Samsung anunta un nou model de smartphone destinat entuziastilor care nu au fost convinsi deja de performantele smartphone-ului Galaxy SIII.

Noul Gaxy S III Mini s-a dovedit un terminal mult prea simplu pentru a atrage o mare parte din fanii seriei Galaxy, asa ca producatorul coreean trebuia sa scoata un nou terminal capabil sa inregistreze ceva mai mult succes in vanzari. Asadar noul telefon pastreaza acelasi design, vine dotat cu un display usor mai mic, Super AMOLED de 4,65 inci la 720x1280 pixeli, un procesor dual-core TI OMAP 4470 la 1,5 GHz, 1GB RAM si Android Jelly Bean.

La capitolul conectivitate Samsung Galaxy Premier va beneficia de Bluetooth 4.0 si NFC, iar camera principala va captura fotografii la 8MP si videoclipuri Full HD.

Momentan telefonul a fost anuntat oficial doar in Ucraina, unde ar trebui sa fie disponibil incepand cu luna noiembrie pentru aproximativ 670 de dolari.

Mai mult ca sigur acest model va avea drept target atragerea utilizatorilor indragostiti de Galaxy SIII si care mai mult ca sigur nu se vor orienta catre S III Mini. Pe de alta parte trebuie avut in vedere si pretul care cel putin pentru moment este setat destul de sus atat in cazul Galaxy Premier cat mai ales pentru S III Mini. Urmeaza sa vedem la ce preturi vor intra cele doua noi terminale si pe piata din Romania si daca vor reusi sa puncteze pe acest sfarsit de an.

Samsung Smart Dock iti transforma Galaxy Note II-ul intr-un mini PC

Incercand sa compenseze disparitia webtop-ului din portofoliul Motorola, Samsung vine cu un dock care iti transforma Galaxy Note II-ul in PC.

Dispozitivul din imaginea de mai sus poarta numele de Smart Dock si este destinat extinderii functionalitatii recent lansatului Galaxy Note II.

Smart Dock-uul pentru Note II, pe langa faptul ca incarca phonebletul, integreaza 3 porturi USB, iesire audio si si un port HDMI. Daca partea de iesiri audio/video nu vine neaparat ca o surpriza, mai interesante sunt cele 3 porturi USB. Dupa specificatiile Samsung, la acest dock ar trebui sa puteti conecta fara probleme un mouse, o tastatura sau un mediu de stocare extern.

Pretul in SUA pentru acest accesoriu este de 100 dolari, o cifra care in tara noastra are mari sanse sa se apropie de 99 euro. In cazul in care folositi Note II-ul ca un portal de continut multimedia pe care il vizionati saptamanal, acest dock s-ar putea sa fie exact ceea ce aveti nevoie.

Grasu XXL - Turbofin

How to download Youtube videos

      Whether it's your favorite music, video tutorials or funniest home videos, you may want to keep a copy of them on your computer. After you downloaded the file, you can upload it on your iPhone, iPad or any multimedia player with video capabilities , you can even burn a DVD and watch them on your TV.

      My personal preference is an addon for Mozilla Firefox called Download YouTube Videos as MP4 and FLV , just follow this link and then click Add to Firefox . 

      The addon will be downloaded and installed automatically. When the installation is complete just restart Firefox, visit YouTube and you will see a Download button just below the video.

Turning your Windows 7 computer into a Virtual Wi-Fi router

Turning your Windows 7 computer into a Virtual Wi-Fi router

A cool new feature, now Windows 7 is able to share your internet connection via software.
The operating system can use any compatible wireless adapter and turn it into a Wi-Fi router in a few simple steps.

Once it's set up, any Wi-Fi enabled device (Laptop, iPhone, Android device, wireless printer) can use your computer’s internet connection to get online.
Intel, Atheros, Broadcom, Realtek now include support in their latest drivers. Anyway it’s best to check their support websites to see compatible wireless adapters .

After you installed the latest Windows 7 driver for your Wi-Fi adapter, the next thing to do is to set up the “software router”:
Click the Start button, in the “Search Programs and Files” box type CMD, right-click the Cmd.exe icon and select "Run as Administrator".
In command prompt type the following :
netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=MyNet key=MyPassword
and press [Enter].
Replace "MyNet" with the name you want to use for your network, and "MyPassword" with any password you like to have for your network
!!! Make sure you use only WPA2 keys are allowed, it is a hardware requirement for the Wireless Cards to be certified with the Microsoft Logo for Windows 7 to only allow WPA2 keys for the Virtual Access Point.

Now it’s time to start our new Virtual Wi-Fi router, type :
netsh wlan start hostednetwork and press [Enter] 

!!!Make sure you have your wireless adapter enabled  (mostly on laptops you) or you will receive this error :
C:\windows\system32>netsh wlan start hostednetwork
The hosted network couldn't be started.
A device attached to the system is not functioning.

If everything is ok you should receive this message :
C:\windows\system32>netsh wlan start hostednetwork
The hosted network started.
!!!Of course you can stop it whenever you want typing : netsh wlan stop hostednetwork

There is one last step we have to complete and that is sharing your cable connection using the Virtual Wi-Fi adapter .
Go to Control Panel > Network and Sharing Center > Change Adapter Settings, right-click your internet connection and select Properties. Click the Sharing tab, check "Allow other network users to connect through this computer’s Internet connection", and choose your virtual Wi-Fi adapter .

Now any Wi-Fi enabled device in range should see a network with the SSID you defined above, and be able to connect to it with the specified password.

For those of you who need more info about this service, see Microsoft’s official description here and here,